The Courage to Face COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex
Peter McCullough, MD, and John LeakeDr. Peter McCullough, MD, and his colleagues developed an early treatment protocol of generic, repurposed drugs and supplements that have saved millions of COVID-19 patients from hospitalization and death. Unfortunately, the protocols compete with the drug makers’ patented drugs and vaccines. This is the fascinating story about the protocols, the doctors, and their battles with the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex that consists of multinational drug companies, the NIH, FDA, CDC and other federal agencies, research and virology labs, and foundations that support the CDC, including the Gates Foundation. The Complex quickly suppressed and attacked the doctors and the treatment protocols, using legacy media smear campaigns, censorship, censure, fraud, corruption, and coverups. Since COVID-19 arrived, the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex has obtained misplaced power over every aspect of our lives and has taken our liberties. It is a tyrannical regime. And the most significant victims are the COVID-19 patients deprived of early treatments. Hundreds of thousands have needlessly died from the infections.
COVID-19 and the Global Predators
COVID-19 and the Global Predators discloses the blueprint and master plan to reorganize the world in the name of public health. The “Great Reset” of 2020 was ten years in the making by billionaires, giant funds, major industries, and government agencies. Contributors include Peter McCullough MD MPH, Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko MD, Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD, Robert F Kennedy Jr. and Paul Alexander PhD. All just conspiracy theory? Before you decide, think independently, read the book, and see the references for yourself. And you will learn what the world must do in the coming months to save humanity’s freedoms, and what is needed to save our individual freedoms to be able to integrate the best from all medical disciplines.